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1. The universe appears out of nowhere. At the start, the universe consists purely of energy and its infinitely dense and unimaginably hot 10 billion trillion trillion °C
2. Within a Tiny function of a second the universe balloons in 5 from trillion times smaller than an atom to the size of a city, the rate of expansion then slows.
3. The intense energy of the newborn Universe creates matter. At first, the matter is a soup of particles and antiparticles. This crash into and cancel Each Other out, turing back into energy, but some of the matter is left over- this will eventually turn into atom and later stars and galaxies
4. Universe is now about one microsecond old 100 billion wild the left over particles begin to form protons phones - the particles that today make up the nuclei of atoms. But the universe is too hot for atoms to form yet . Light cannot pass through the sea of particles, so young Universe resembles the dense
5. after 379, 000 years, the universe cools enough for atoms to form, the universe is now a vast cloud of hydrogen and helium. Light can pass through space more easily, and the universe becomes transparent.
6. Half a million years after the big bang , matter is spread out almost evenly in the universe, but tiny ripples exist. Working on these denser patches, gravity begins pulling the matter into clumps.
7. At 300 million years, stars appear, stars from when great clouds of gas are pulled into tight knots by gravity. This pressure and it become so intense in the dense pockets of gas that nuclear reaction between. Igniting the stars.
8. At 500 million years, the first galaxies are forming. galaxies are in enormous clouds of stars, held together by gravity.
9. Now 5 billion years old, the universe consists of the first clusters of galaxies arranged in threads, with gigantic voids between them. The voids get never bigger as space continues to expand. At 8 billion years, the expansion of the universe begins to accelerate
10. our solar system forms at 9 billion years. If the universe is 20 billion years old, the sun will expand in size and destroy the Earth.
11. The universe will carry on expanding forever, becoming cold and dark anywhere.