The Universe

The universe is the whole of existence- space, matter, energy and time. the universe is so vast has to be unimaginable,  but we do know that it is steadily  expanding following its beginning 13.8 billion years ago in an explosive event called the big bang

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Understanding the universe

 people used to think of the universe as a giant  sphere,  but we  now know that things are not so simple. the universe probably has no Center or outer edge only a fraction of it- The observable universe is visible to us. the whole universe  vastly bigger than this, Pherhaps infinitely  so.

The shape of Earth

 the 3 dimension of space  are “bent”  by the force of gravity from matter in the universe into a fourth dimension that we can't see. this is hard to visualise, so scientist use the metaphor of two dimensional rubber sheet to explain the idea. the mass of the universe old bend the rubber sheet in one of three ways  depending on how densely back with matter the universe is. most scientist now think the shape of the universe is flat.

  1. Close - Ordinance universe wood bed itself into a closed shape travelling in a straight line would bring you back to your starting point
    Shape of earth

  2. Open -  if the universe isn't dense  enough, it might stretch into and open  shake shape, making it infinite in size with no outer  edge

  3.  Flat -  just the right amount of matter would give the universe a flat shape. this would also be infinite in size with no outer age
    flat earth

Looking back in time

 because like takes time to travel when we look into space we are looking back in time the most distance object visible are galaxies photograph by the Hubble Telescope.  we see them as they were 13 billion years ago. the universe extend for beyond this, but it's impossible to see object much further because their light hasn't had time to reach us


Farthest object

 the light from the  faintest Galaxy in this photo from the Hubble Space Telescope took 13 billion years to reach Earth 

What's the matter ?

The element hydrogen and Helium make up 98% of the matter we can see in the universe but there doesn't seem to be enough matter to account for the way stars and Galaxies are pulled by Gravity at result astronomers think galaxies contain dark matter which we cannot see there is also known and unknown force making the universe expand known as dark energy 

In Space 

  1. 68% Dark Energy

  2. 27% Dark Matter

  3. In Remaining 5% Contain{75% Hydrogen,23% helium (Remaining 2% Contain Other element) }

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