The sun 

The sun is nearly perfect sharpe of hot, glowing gas. Its source of power lies buried  deep in the Central core, where a nuclear furnace rages non stop, turing matter into pure heat and light.

slightly bigger than a typical star, the sun is large enough by volume to swallow 1.3 million Earth. It contains 99.8% of all the matter in the solar system, and the force of gravity generated by this enormous Mars keeps the planet trapped in orbit around it. Seen from Earth, the  Sun is a life sustaining source of light and warmth that shine Steadily on us. Closer views, however, reveal a world of astonishing violence, it's seething surface bursting with eruption that hurl fiery gases into space.

Inside the sun 

What is inside sun

Scientist divide the sun interior into three distinct layers: the core,  radiative zone , and concative zone. All three are made solely of gas, but the gas get hotter and denser towards the centre. In the core, the temperature source to 15 million °c and the gas is 150 times more dense than water.

Spikes of gas

Jets of hot gas rise all the time from the sun surface, forming towering spikes that last just a few minutes before collapsing. Called spiclues, this formation can reach thousands of kilometres in height. Seen from above comedy form shimmering, hair like pattern around a sunspot

385 Million billion gigawatts - the amount of  energy  output fro the sun each second .  

Sun statistics

Diameter......1,393,684 Km
Distance from Earth.....150 million km
Mass (earth= 1)............333,000
Surface temperature.....5,500 °C
Core temperature ........ 15 million°C

Energy release

It takes only 8 minutes for light from sun to reach earth, but it can take 100,000 years for energy release in the sun's core travel to the surface and emerge as light.the journey is slow because the energy is absorbed and re emitted by trillions of atoms as it passes through the dense radiative zone.

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